Is there any accommodation?
There is a range of accommodation available on-site, from Eco Pods and Woodland Lodges to the Tallet House bedrooms (wheelchair accessible) and Spring Cottage. More information is available here, and you can book through the unique link here.
There is also a rented cottage about two miles away from the venue hired for the night before - if this would help those coming from further afield, please let us know.
When should I turn up?
The ceremony will start at 2pm, but we'd quite like you to arrive before then.
If you have booked accommodation at the venue, check in is from 2pm onwards, but there should still be a cloakroom available.
What is the dress code?
Semi-formal. No need for a tuxedo and bulled Oxfords, but possibly more than just your underpants.
Will there be veggie food?
There are vegetarian options for the meal and evening food. Please also let us know if there are any allergies we should know about!
Will there be a bar?
There is a bar available from 2:30pm. Please bring card rather than cash.
Is there a wedding gift list?
We're happy enough just to see you! If you did want to contribute to our honeymoon funds, please let us know.
Are children allowed?
There is a fenced-in play paddock for kids to play in featuring rusty forks, maces, broken pool cues and knuckle dusters. At midnight, the strongest (i.e. remaining) child will be crowned and will receive a cuddly toy.
Are pets allowed to enter?
Well behaved dogs are allowed on prior agreement with the venue. We can't say the same for the owners.
If you want to stay overnight, some of the Eco Pods are designated dog-friendly.